Chapter 304

Afrikan Royal Empire

My beloved Afrikans

I stand before you, your devoted sovereign, with a profound sense of loss and urgency, for our great kingdom faces a daunting challenge. The sly whisper of cognitive dissonance has infiltrated the minds of our people, corrupting our thoughts, culture, and purity. Our innate desire for harmony has been weaponized against us by those who seek our downfall, turning our once serene hearts into battlefields of clashing beliefs.

In our weakened state, pseudo freedom, we have become prey to spiritual, economic, political charlatans that skillfully weave deception into our lives. They have poisoned our thoughts, torn asunder our culture, and shrouded our pure intentions in darkness. As your guardian, my heart weeps for the shattered fragments of our once-united kingdom, a land rich with heritage, knowledge, and power.

The seeds of deceit have taken root, leaving us grasping for resolution with thoughts poisoned thoughts (coconuts brown outside white inside) Even as we long for our roots and wisdom, the invasive vines of foreign influence strangle the very essence of our African identity. We all have been to school and send our children there to be brainwashed into the image of our colonisers..

I implore you to summon your strength, gaddle your loins like worriers and join me in vanquishing the shadows that darken our land. Let us rise against those who wield our own hearts against us, manipulate our anger to be towards each other, for they are but false prophets, twisting our deepest values into chains that bind us.

In the face of this onslaught, we must be as steadfast as the ancient baobab trees that stand sentinel over our lands. It is our birthright to protect our culture, our beliefs, and our future from those who seek to strip us of our power and scatter our unity like ashes in the wind.

I call upon you, my people, to stand with me in defiance of the forces that seek to diminish us. Let our collective voices rise as one to reclaim our birthright and rebuild our glorious Afrikan Empire upon the foundations of Our Ancestors, truth, harmony, and an unshakable African spirit.

Together, we shall purge our minds of the tainted thoughts that plague us and rediscover the strength and wisdom that have shaped our legacy for generations fro. ANCIENT time. Let us join hands and hearts in healing our land, our people, and our future, for we are the children of Afrika, and our destiny is intertwined with the land beneath our feet.

With passion, resilience, and unwavering determination, we shall rise and stand as a beacon of hope for generation to come in unity, for all who call this great continent home.

As your Sovereign, I have witnessed the power of cognitive dissonance! (to fight the coliniser and uphold his system) – the turmoil that befalls our minds when confronted with beliefs that clash against one another. This struggle, born from our innate desire for harmony within ourselves, is but a tool in the hands of these charlatans. They have shattered your culture, purity and left you grasping for resolution with poisoned coconut thoughts.

Alas, the journey from ignorance to awakening is not without its tribulations. Unquestioned faith shall be shaken by newfound/old knowledge, and as the veil of deceit is lifted, anger and disillusionment shall wash over your soul. . But fear not, for within this awakening lies the opportunity for growth and understanding. Put off the clothes of the night for the Sun is now shining upon you.

Be wary, for these cults, they twist the very essence of religion to bind you to their will, they want you to be European and Arabs and rope your will to their religion and gods. . They weave promises of salvation and rewards in the afterlife, exploiting the shaping of your very identities to keep you in their grasp. Yet, as these false prophets amass wealth and power, our people remain impoverished and forgotten – their prayers left unanswered. The more religious Afrika become the poorer it gets.

The time has come for us to unite, to question these foreign beliefs, and to protect the essence of who we are. We must not allow these cults to perpetuate their lies, for the future of our Empire and the well-being of our people are at stake.
Let us stand together, to find and embrace our own truths, exercise our sovereignty, establish our self determination and seek solutions both practical and divine to overcome the challenges that beset us. Afrika open up your eyes, you can not fight political oppression and idolise the gods of the oppressors. The Watcher has warned you several times that “the god of the master and the slave can not be the same.
Consider this path and you will nw free

  1. Build your Afrikan Empire with no shame and dust of from the pigsty of democracy and foreign governance idiocyrscies
    Organise your kingdoms and set up your Empire with your kings running your nations. The council of kings must replace your Afrika Union and your children whose aligence is to Afrika not colonial establishments. ONE Afrikan Army.
  2. All the land must be moved from the government/colonial hands into legitimate National trust respecting boundaries before colonisation. Destroy the legacy of Leopold in this generation and break colonial borders to become one Nation. Agriculture and food security must guide your utilisation of land. ONE PASSPORT.
  3. Own your economy and do business with each other. Feed yourselves first before exporting anything.
    One bank,
    One stock exchange backed by your own resources.
    Follow the model of Zimbabwe, the same agenda which got Gadaffi killed by the same system you now trapped in. ONE CURRENCY
  4. Education needs to be relvant and revamped to innovation, entrepreneurships with accurate historical and cultural consciousness. Teach yourselves about you and build national Afrikan Pride. ONE CURRICULUM
  5. Extract from your culture and history role models and Afrikan sports to create content for your sports and entertainment. There is a dire need for cultural reform and celebration of your own legacies. Remove colonial idols from Media and statutes which stand in your cities and name your cities, rivers and sacred sites with historical names. ONE SATELLITE
  6. Harvest your health intelligence buried in Indegenous knowledge systems and transform your health sciences into Technologies. ONE HEALTH SYSTEM
  7. Finally: remove foreign gods from your midst and follow the path of consciousness embedded in your Afrikan Ubuntu spirituality Ubungoni (sinlesness). Spiritual freedom will break the mental prison and the dependency syndrome of a messiah from the heavens and Caucasian or Arabic supremacy. As long as you worship their gods you remain as their subjects and their culture is deemed more divine than your own. ONE AFRIKAN. SPIRIT OF UNITY

In unity and wisdom, we shall overcome the darkness that seeks to divide and conquer us. Our forefathers lost this battle, our generation will fight as soldiers than live as slaves. Together, we shall forge a path to a brighter Alkebulan/Afrikan/Bantu future, where our Nation may prosper and our Empire shall stand strong against the forces that wish to see us fall.
The Watcher announces the Afrikan Dream as : Afrika the land which belongs to the Afrikans, the Afrikan free to explore and exploit its resources for its benefit.
A land were the children live in freedom to persue their dreams to full potential.
Afrika the land free from wars, disease and exploitation.
Afrika the land of MALANINE whose skins have been kissed by the sun and whose legacy and science educated the whole world.
She will rise from the ashes of oppression and take her place as the Mother of all Nations. I AM AFRIKAN.
Maponga Jiii Marara Chigaramboko ChangaMbire Svosve (Afrikan Royal Empire)

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