Chapter 305

Book Review!

“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins

This book is a Must read for all young and old Afrikan politicians.. before you sign any bilateral agreements and national MOU…please read this book..failing which please read my review.

you will find an E-copy on telegram FoT Reading club.

The “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” the west caucasian capitalists corruption and evil is exposed. Perkins reveals ravaging detailed accounts of how international multinational corporations and governments (local and foreign) manipulate poor foreign countries, particularly in Africa, to serve their interests. John Perkins exposes his former role as an “Economic Hit Man” (EHM) and highlights the strategies and exposes the enterprise of intelligence as it is employed to undermine developing nations’ governments and economies.

Here are the Strategies

  1. Economic hitmen work for international corporations and intelligence agencies to promote the interests of Western countries, mainly the United States. To promote their interests, they must undermine your interests. You government must work for them and mot foe your people.
  2. They manipulate foreign countries into accepting large loans for infrastructure projects that primarily benefit U.S. The terms and conditions of these contracts a ropes to the gallows. They sign contracts they know you cant pay and they are not prepared to honor. These evil corporations, are on an economic crusade to sink Poor Afrikan countries into massive debts in exchange of their sovereignty. You become a slave to the one you owe.
  3. Once the projects are approved, they bring their team to implement, and they take all the money back and you owe them. They are masters of corruption to bribe government officials and deliberately inflate project costs and funneling money back to the U.S. There is a web of companies and banks companies which money launder to create a cycle of dependency, poverty, and exploitation.
  4. The ultimate goal is to gain control over a country’s resources, turn the masses against their leaders, get control over political decision-making, instruments, often leading to the toppling of uncooperative governments. In many cases they are the main sponsors band instigators of opposition parties, assassinations, and coupditat.
  5. Economic Structural Adjustment Programs (ESAPs) These policies, imposed by international financial institutions like the World Bank and IMF, force developing nations to prioritize debt repayment and open their markets to foreign competition, often leading to privatization, loss of local industries, and reduced public services. Of key targets are SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) local industries which compete with their products are pushed out of competition. This is what destroyed Zimbabwe before Sanctions…it was ESAP
  6. Control of agriculture: By promoting genetically modified seeds, patented by U.S. corporations, Western interests gain control over a country’s food supply, creating dependency and reducing local sovereignty. Indigenous and Organic seeds (quality) are pushed off the market for quantity.
  7. Exploitation of natural resources: EHMs facilitate the extraction of a country’s valuable resources, such as oil, minerals, and timber, by multinational corporations, often with little benefit to the local population. This is done with no mercy to vegetation, land water and natural habitat. The principle is simple the bottom line-profit First people last.
  8. Subversion of democracy: EHMs influence and manipulate local politics to ensure the election or appointment of leaders who will support Western interests, even if they are corrupt or undemocratic. They lie that they believe in democracy, not there is dictatorship of western propaganda manipulating democracy, bribing people and installing puppet leaders who owe them allegiance.
  9. The Use of Economics, Agriculture, and Democracy to Advance Western Interests: food is a weapon of war, in shortage, it creates war and when modified it can be poison for control and long term mental genocide.

These exploitative tactics can be traced to every war, rising and falling of governments in the last 100 years.
Who will bring these criminals to book?
Who will teach the Americans to be transparency?
The global village will not work with these bullies and bull dogs at our doors. The international justice system must be held accountable to the overt economic, political and democratic sterilization. FoT
Maponga Joshua III Marara ChangaMbire Svosve

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